TimorLeste Tourism

Travel to the pristine island of TimorLeste, a new nation with a struggling economy and a bounty of unspoiled natural beauty. more Travel to the pristine island of TimorLeste, a new nation with a struggling economy and a bounty of unspoiled natural beauty. Travel to the pristine island of Timor ...



Jul 11, 2011· Hare ba kalkulos matematicos ossan la barak. Ne duni governo tenki iha kuidado atu gasta kada centimo didiak atu hetan resultado maximo. Kestaun Sunrise Governo Timor Leste tenki matenek buka estrategias atu hetan solusaun ida iha tempo badak tanba Timor Leste presiza osan atu responde nesesidades ba kurto prazo..


Laicized priest in TimorLeste refuses to give up ministry ...

Laicized priest in TimorLeste refuses to give up ministry Richard Daschbach was stripped of priestly duties after allegedly admitting to abusing s at orphanage USborn missionary, Richard Daschbach, has been laicized for allegedly ually abusing children under his care at Topu Honis Sheltered Home, Timor Leste.


Houri Uluk houri wain Timor ida deit, Lorosa + Loromonu ...

mos oras ne'e maka'as tebes, TimorLeste nebe hanesan nasaun foun ida iha mundu oras ne'e haka'as a'an hela atu dezenvolve nia media massa rasik. Ita hotu hatene katak media massa iha TimorLeste oras ne'e sei hasoru hela problema barak, media massa TimorLeste mos sei buka hela atu dezenvolve diak liutan nia a'an iha abanbairua.


The Complete Guide to diving Timor Leste | Indopacificimages

Use Indopacificimages' Complete Guide to diving Timor Leste to help you plan your trip to the special and quite unique country. One that suffered so much to gain independence from its closest neighbour and now offers some really interesting scuba diving.


East Asia/Southeast Asia :: TimorLeste — The World ...

(The red dots are due to fire, not volcanic activity.) The eastern half of Timor, as well as an exclave to the west and a few offshore islands, constitute the country of TimorLeste. The western portion of Timor and the remaining islands (including Flores) belong to Indonesia. Image courtesy of NASA.


TimorLeste Amnesty International USA Human Rights ...

TimorLeste President would support international tribunal 8 March 2010 The President of TimorLeste has told Amnesty International he would support the establishment of an international criminal tribunal for crimes committed during the occupation by Indonesia, should the UN Security Council set it .



internasionál sira, dokumentu ne'e Timor nia duni no reflete realidade sósiukulturál, ekonómika no polítika husi juventude TimorLeste nian. Ami hein katak dokumentu ida ne'e bele fó naroman ba saida mak presiza atu halo ba joven sira ba oin. Ho maioria populasaun TimorLeste .


Notisias | ministerio turismo timor leste

Atu realiza akordu ne'e Ministeriu Turismo Timor Leste sei kordena ho embaixada rua China ho Timor Leste nomos Ministerio Negosius Estrangeirus. Alende ne'e ekipa tekniku husi Ministerio Turismo iha tempu besik sei ba China hodi kordena ho tekniku sira iha China hodi bele prepara ba .


Se Mak Sai Vitima Ba Lingua Iha TimorLeste? | Fundasaun ...

Hanoin nebe mak diak husi FM atu koalia ona konaba Problema lingua iha Timor Leste, los duni problema lingua nebe mak agora akontese iha Timor halo ita sai hanesan identidade pais ninia. iha Timor konstitusaun hatenen lingua Portugues no Tetum sai lingua problema mai ita ate agora Timor oan mayoria mak la hatene koalia Portugues.


Biografia Nicolao Lobato | Leaders Timor Leste

Iha 1966 Nicolau tama ba tropa Portugal nian iha TimorLeste. Nia tuir kursu sarjentus milisianus no ramata ida ne'e nu'udar primeiru klasifikadu, João Carrascalão mak segundu klasifikadu no Moisés da Costa Sarmento mak terseiru klassifikadu. Ikus mai, Moisés sai ninia kuñadu tamba kaben ho ninia alin feto Maria Cesaltina. Forsas okupasaun oho ninia feton ida ne'e ho ninia kaben iha Ratahu, .


Manufahi Timor Leste: Polisia Tama Kampus UNTL ...

Edition: 08 July 2008 Polisia Tama Kampus UNTL, Mahasiswa Tebe Rahun Rasik VidruDILIPolisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) tama kampus Universidade Nasional Timor Leste (UNTL) hodi kaptura mahasiswa, tanba halo manifestasaun la tuir lei demostrasaun nebee regula kona distánsia metru 100 husi edifísiu públiku.


TimorLeste (East Timor) World

Territorial Disputes: Three stretches of land borders with TimorLeste have yet to be delimited, two of which are in the Oecussi exclave area, and no maritime or Economic Exclusion Zone boundaries have been established between the countries; maritime boundaries with Indonesia remain unresolved; in 2007, Australia and TimorLeste signed a 50year development zone and revenue sharing agreement ...


HATUTAN: Haklean Revijaun Lei Fundu Mina Rai Timor – Leste

Loron Tersa, 23 Augustu 2011 bele mos sai nudar loron historiku ba lalaok fundu mina rai Timor oan sira nian. Data refere iha parlamentu nasional aprova ona revijaun lei fundu minarai nebe tuir duni base legal lei fundu mina rai Lei FP no 9/2009 nebe promulga iha Agustu 2005 liuliu iha artigu FP lei artigu nebe fo duni dalan atu halo revijaun Lei fundu mina rai depaois Tinan lima 5 existe.


Current Local Time in Dili, TimorLeste

Current local time in TimorLeste – Dili. Get Dili's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Dili's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.


TimorLeste: Economy | Asian Development Bank

TimorLeste's GDP is expected to grow by % in 2018 and % in 2019 – ADO 2018 Update TimorLeste's inflation rates forecasted at % in 2018 and % in 2019 – ADO 2018 Update Per capita GDP growth for TimorLeste is expected at % in 2018 and % in 2019 – ADB Report


Biografia Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão | LIAN MAMUK

Mar 23, 2018· Hafoin hala'o tiha Revolusaun Kravu iha Portugal, iha loron 25 fulan Abril tinan 1974, no hetan oportunidade ba autodeterminasaun no independénsia, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, deside hamutuk hó Asosiasaun Sosiál Demokrata TimorenseASDT, ne'ebé foin hahú an atu forma no iha tinan ida ne'e duni, transforma iha Frente Revolusionária TimorLeste Independente (FRETILIN).


TimorLeste and ADB | Asian Development Bank

TimorLeste plans to provide universal access to clean water by 2030. ADB is supporting the plan, focusing on improving water supply in Dili and the municipal capitals. More than 30,000 people in 4,400 s now have a reliable water supply. An inclusive business approach to coffee farming in ...


Linguística de TimorLeste: A grammar of Makalero: A ...

Teze idane'e deskreve gramátika liaMakalero nian, dalen ida iha TimorLeste hodi makdalen 6,500. Entre nasaun nia dalen 16 hotu, liaMakalero hamutuk ho dalen seluk tolu klasifika nu'udár membru lialubun papua trans GinéFoun nian.


ANZ Timor Leste Personal Online Banking

An overview of personal banking with ANZ Timor Leste.
